Park Collection Discussions on Costs and Charges

I've just asked E-On Next for an "In House Display" (IHD) to show my usage of electricity as it happens. They refused. Apparently one has to ask as soon as one moves in. Which I had done, when they refused. And the meter is apparently SMETS1, which they do not support. This is called customer Service.

In conducting a search for an IHD I could buy I discovered Loop, a free app to connect up to your smart meter. And as far as I can tell it is free, I haven't been asked for any money yet. And it did connect to my antique SMETS1 smart meter.

Maybe you'd like to try it too.


loop logo
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+ 4 % 

You spent £25.25 over this period.

Low usage

Your electricity usage over the last 2 weeks was low compared to other households.

Phantom Load

Your Phantom Load over the last 2 weeks was low compared to other households.

This year your Phantom Load will cost you £145.21

Hi Adrian


Be a good friend...and make a BIG impact in the process!

There's no easy way to say it - the energy price cap is increasing by 80% in October and there are some challenging months ahead.  But whilst you have no control over the cost of each unit of energy, you have more control over how many of those units you use.  If you measure it, you can control it!  On average Loop users cut their usage by 10% - how are you getting on?     


If you've been able to save, who else do you know who might appreciate the chance to cut their bills by 10%?  Loop is FREE - our mission is to reduce the carbon emissions of UK households so the more households that join Loop the greater our impact.  We're grateful for every referral and if you can save your friends 10% on their energy bill, we're sure they will be as well!  

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A new way to sign up to Loop!

You can now choose whether to use details from your smart meter's in-home display or a bank card during sign up. Refer your friends knowing it's never been easier to sign up to Loop.


We're also moving to a new supplier for tariff data and hope to have individual tariffs back in the app very soon.


Any referrals you make could have a wider impact than you realise.  For an average household, a 10% reduction in gas and electricity use equates to around 300kg of carbon emissions saved.  So, if you recommend Loop to 10 friends and they all do the same, the numbers add up very quickly.  If every household with a smart meter cut their usage by 10% that would equate to over 4m tonnes of carbon emissions saved every year.  A big impact for a simple, free app.  Help us to spread the word about Loop and be part of that story.       


The economics of solar

Every unit of solar electricity you use saves you over 28p at the moment, 52p from October, and probably even more from January!  Solar payback has never been quicker.  

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The rise of solar

Many are looking for ways to cut their increasing energy bills and are coming to the same conclusion after crunching the numbers for solar - it now makes more financial sense, reducing their bill in the long term. The BBC explores the rise of solar.

Energy bill support

If you're worried about how you're going to pay your energy bills, don't wait until the bill arrives to seek help. Now's the time to take action and find out which support is available to you. Which? shares some advice to get ahead of the price cap.


That's it for this week, but if you have any questions, check out our Knowledge Base - it's full of useful articles and FAQs. Issues using Loop? Our Troubleshooting tool will help resolve them.


Don't forget you can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter for more news and views from Loop and around the web.

Wishing you all the best

The Loop Team

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© 2022 Loop

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