Park Collection - Local Area

You probably don't remember, but back in January the WDCO board was given notice that there would be improvements to the stretch of New River bank between Green Lanes, near Rowley Gardens, and Seven Sisters Road near the junction with Amhurst Park.

We now know that this work is due to start on May 2nd and lasting for seven weeks, the information being delivered in the form of an image (see below) which contains this text

Thames Water will be carrying out essential repair to the permissive footpath on the New River
between Green Lanes and Seven Sisters Road, laying a new hardcore surface. The work will
require this section of footpath to be closed for approx. 7 weeks.

Working times will be Monday to Friday 8am – 3.30pm, with deliveries restricted to (9am -3pm)
we aim to have the material on site at the start of the programme of works to minimise

The site compound will be located at Rowley Gardens as agreed with the LB Hackney and after
completion will be made good.

Maydencroft will be carrying out the work on behalf of Thames Water.
Emergency contacts (when work starts):
24 hour emergency – 07749 064795
Site contact – James – 07747 076969
Start date: 2 May 2023

And if you're wondering what a permissive footpath is (one of those devil-may-care footpaths that lets just anybody walk over it) the Campaign for Rural England has this definition:


Permissive paths

You’ll sometimes see routes marked with signs indicating that you’re using one of these, and it can feel confusing. Check those signs, if you see them, as they might include information that’s specific to that path in particular.

That’s because these are pathways that you’re allowed to use because the person who privately owns that land has made the route available to the public. The signs will indicate if there are restrictions, so do check if bikes, motorbikes or so on are allowed before making any assumptions


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