Park Collection - Local Area

Christmas 2022

Hi everyone,

I was thinking to host a small Christmas party that is opened to all residents of the Park Collection. This would be held at Hartingtons Court's Business Lounge, as the venue would be big enough to host up to 50 people. It's the perfect location, with it's kitchen facilities, toilet, and access to the quad.

This would be held during an early-December weekend, from 12-4pm, to minimise distruption.

Perhaps the we could use some of the funds our service charges to finance the procurement of food and beverages.

  • A small budget of £250 could cover mulled wine (£10 x10; heated by a slow cooker I have at home)
  • hot chocolate mix (£5)
  • small compostable cups for hot drinks (£10 for x50)
  • mince pies (£20)
  • sandwiches (£25)
  • cheese and crackers (£10)
  • candy canes (£10)
  • iced gingerbread men (£20)
  • and perhaps a gingerbread house or one of our buildings (£50)

The rationale for the gingerbread house is just mainly for the households with children. But I'm confident that Berkley Homes would love it if we made a gingerbread house of one of the buildings and so may be interested in covering some of the cost.

Most residents will be busy by mid-December, and a modest budget of £250 would be more than enough to help get things going with promoting the RA and with future events.

Even if we get 10 residents people turned up, that's quite a lot given that staff leaving dos have probably seen fewer.

If this turns out to be super popular, that's great and we can definitely look to do something even more engaging!

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  • Excellent! Well done on taking the initiative and the budgeting. I'm sure that the space outside the lounge (and the quad) can be used too, if many people turn up. We must make use of the provision within the R&R management fees for community building within this group of buildings. Unfortunately, I am away that weekend so will not be able to attend but let's collectively make this work.

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