Park Collection Planning , Development and WDCO Forum
WDCO is the residents' group that is recognised by Hackney Council, Berkeley Homes and others as reflecting the 'voice' of residents across the entire development. WDCO has an Executive and a larger Board of representatives for different constituencies on the development. Spring Park (private) has two WDCO reps (Adrian and Philip) and an active observer (Mike). We are coordinating with reps from other parts of the development to increase the collective influence we have over decisions that affect us all. Examples of this include: The potential use of the 'Block D' Community Space (see our Block D posting), proposals relating to the West reservoir, and the wider provision of retail and enterprise facilities on the development.
It has over the years of the development achieved a great deal for example its work on the reservoirs. There is also a booklet listing the successes
Board meetings take place once a month and are ususally open to the public.
You need to be a member of Woodberry Down Residents' Associations to add comments!