Park Collection Planning and Development Forum

Park Collection Planning , Development and WDCO Forum



A series of exhibitions on the proposals being made by the London Borough of Hackney, Berkeley Homes and Notting Hill Genesis for the development to take place in Phase 4 of the Woodberry Down Estate Regeneration.

These are the proposals that will go to Hackney's pre-planning committee.

What you may note is that there are only three regeneration partner logos at the foot of the page. WDCO has not endorsed the design, and will be submitting the following comments to  Hackney's pre-planning committee:


WDCO’s written submission to Pre-Application Planning Sub Committee

WDCO Board has not had sufficient time or information to endorse or oppose what is being proposed in Phase 4, although we recognise that the Design
Committee have commented at length on the proposals.
There are aspects of the design that the Board welcomes, the percentage of dual aspect homes, the positioning of the social rented blocks at the southerly side of
the phase, the efforts made to ensure that service charge will be affordable for all tenures on what is a difficult site due to lack of opportunity to service the
blocks from Seven Sisters Road and the work carried out to improve the microclimate of the town square with particular regard to wind, which is
currently a severe problem.
However, the Board have areas of concern and would like further information and consideration on some other aspects of the design and proposals.
These include
1. the long monolithic blocks to be created facing Seven Sisters Road which on their view reduces permeability in comparison with the original blocks
and could create a “Canyon” out of Seven Sisters Road if phase 6 replicates a similar density, mass and height
2. Wants an assessment of pollution for the properties facing north towards Seven Sisters Road as they note the building line is closer to SSR than
3. Noting the size of the podium garden communal space for the residents, they have had no evidence of the usage of such gardens on Woodberry
Down in existing phases via Post Occupancy Surveys to justify such a large private space.
4. Note that the “affordable” shared ownership properties are only 1- and 2- bedroom flats as family accommodation, 3 bedrooms and upwards, isn’t
considered affordable or able to be sold. Hence, they query if this can be considered an affordable tenure, hence they want a higher percentage of
truly affordable properties as required by the 2021 London Plan, 50% to both be considered for this phase and certainly the masterplan going
5. Querying if the design of the market properties are fit for purpose considering a very high proportion are bought to let and hence end up being private rented accommodation, They feel that a post occupancy
survey of existing residents in market properties on the estate would be useful to improve the design of the market properties in phase 4.
6. Suggest that a planning condition to be considered that ensures that some of the commercial / community space that wraps around the central square provides for a library or municipal building with controlled public
access to elements of the podium garden. Currently this is subject to a feasibility study being carried out by the Council with no obligation to provide. They recognise that this would require some redesign to allow
easy access to the main podium garden to all tenures in phase 4, as there was concern that the market properties to the east of the phase would have views directly on to the public section of the garden.
7. Questioning the continuing commitment by LBH to provide car parking for existing residents, Hackney tenants and resident leaseholders, moving to new homes, which is used to justify the podium design, reduces the number of ground floor properties and potentially reduces the number of trees to be retained

You need to be a member of Woodberry Down Residents' Associations to add comments!

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  • The same information but in the form of an email from Comm Comm

    Woodberry Down Regeneration news

    Woodberry Down’s regeneration Delivery Partners would like to invite you to attend a public exhibition showcasing the design proposals for Phase 4.

    This third round of public engagement is to present the designs for Phase 4 prior to the submission of detailed planning application.

    It follows two earlier rounds of consultation in the summer 2021 and summer 2022.  

    Come down to one of our events on the following dates to speak to our design team and find out more about the Phase 4 proposals: 

    • Saturday 12 November at the Rose Garden opposite Sainsbury’s on Woodberry Grove, N4 2SB, 11am – 2pm
    • Thursday 17 November at the Rose Garden 4pm – 8pm
    • Tuesday 22 November at Rowley Gardens N4 1HH, 4pm – 8pm 

    Alternatively you can visit our consultation website to see the proposals and let us know what you think: 

    You can call us: 0800 772 0475 (free phoneline) 

    You can write to us: Freepost COMM COMM UK (no need for a stamp) 

    You can email us:


    We are also keen to collect some additional demographic data from existing subscribers to better understand who is responding to our surveys and leaving feedback. If you would be interested in providing some additional data, please follow these instructions:

    1. Visit the website and log in to your Commonplace account

    2. Click on the login link that will be sent to your email to access your profile page

    3. Click on 'Menu' on the top right corner of the page and select 'personal information'

    4. You will see a list of the projects you have contributed to; find Woodberry Down and click on the 'view/edit' button

    5. The demographics page will open and you'll be able to view, edit or add your demographic information

    Please note, demographic date will only be used for inclusion in final statistical analysis. This data is anonymised on collection and once it has been anonymised it cannot be linked to respondent’s comments or used to identify individuals in any way.

    C-EuuOV2x7m1vvxWbBIml81-EQ5T7q6DH-axI4V0cn_fZEy1AD3IzD2Nqdqr0LWYsXfaMVSZgXaQyW2Ix-Pzddkoenb7-GOUFUvlYmiEFintpzPkiKmS4JB3QTPjc-Mye2Uqmd07GJC_epXfr1Ab09aM8FnyC6GdK3Yd_oqL7Be-Lry5juJvHEuxRGGu1iJPKOW1Lq7NZ114KEiyICxPMJSPA0TEaVJGBImZS9Lf-9Uogi0nKuxtBNkanqLNq-CqqsfvYO7U_RJIJpxlIj9uOg=s0-d-e1-ft#<a href=" alt="Information poster giving details of upcoming public exhibitions at Woodberry Down" width="100%" data-bit="iit" />
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