WDCO is the residents' group that is recognised by Hackney Council, Berkeley Homes and others as reflecting the 'voice' of residents across the entire development. WDCO has an Executive and a larger Board of representatives for different constituencies on the development. Spring Park (private) is entitled to 4 representatives on the board. There are currently two vacancies, hence the need for this by-election.
Anyone over the age of18 who is a private resident in one of the Spring Park buildings - Hartingtons, Willowbrook, Parkhouse, Odell House, Kingly Building, Hadleigh - is entitled to stand. Nominations will be made at the meeting, where the vote will also take place.
The agenda of the WDCO board covers items of interest to anyone living on the Woodberry Down Estate. Soon to be discussed is the high level plan for phases 5 - 8 of the redevelopment. Of particular interest is the Berkeley proposal to use this issue of the Masterplan to increase the number of dwellings proposed for phases 5 - 8 over the numbers proposed in the previous issue. Consequences of this increase will include a higher density of population per hectare and building taller than previously envisaged.
The board will consider these consequences amd possibly make proposals to Berkeley/Haringeyto vary them.
The image below is taken from a presentation recently released from the confidential development sub-committee to the wider board, illustrating the proposals.
